Curtis’ ‘Don’t Be Fooled’ Show: Encouraging us to keep growing in our relationship with God.

Magic and Comedy Shows to Entertain and Inspire

Introduction to ‘Don’t Be Fooled’

In his engaging ‘Don’t Be Fooled’ show, Curtis uses magic tricks to illustrate just how easily we can be deceived. However, the show is more than mere entertainment. It carries an important message: ‘While it may be fun to be fooled by a magician’s tricks, we don’t want to be fooled when it comes to living our lives.’

Three Spiritual Resources

To help us navigate through life’s illusions and avoid being spiritually fooled, Curtis shares that God has provided us with three invaluable resources:

The Bible: Curtis emphasizes that God has given us the Bible to instruct us. It serves as a guidebook, offering wisdom and knowledge on how to live a fulfilling and righteous life.

The Church: In addition to the Bible, Curtis points out that we have the support of our brothers and sisters in Christ. The church community encourages us, offers fellowship and helps us stay grounded in our faith.

The Holy Spirit: Most importantly, Curtis reminds us that God has given us His Spirit to guide and transform us. The Holy Spirit provides the inner strength and guidance we need to discern truth from deception.

Tailoring the Show for Different Audiences

From elementary-age children to adults, Curtis customizes his ‘Don’t Be Fooled’ show to best suit the age and understanding of his audience. The core message remains the same, but the presentation varies to ensure the concepts are understandable and engaging for everyone.

Discover More: ‘Disillusioned’

For mature teens and adults, Curtis also offers another compelling presentation called ‘Disillusioned.’ This show delves deeper into the themes of deception and truth.